What Is The Bar Association For Attorneys?
What Is The Bar Association For Attorneys

What Is The Bar Association For Attorneys?

What Is The Bar Association For Attorneys?

The Bar is a regulatory association for Attorneys practicing in the United States based on the State in which they’ve chosen to practice in. Passing examination for Bar entry as well as yearly continuing education is what allows Attorneys to be eligible to practice law in a particular state.  The Bar Association also allows the public to look up an Attorney and make sure they’re still in good standing and eligible to be practicing law or representing someone in a legal matter. The Bar Associations for each state generally offer the ability for people to search for a Attorneys current Bar status. This is a great tool to consider when searching for a top rated attorney in your area.

In the United States, admission to the bar is permission granted by a particular court system to a lawyer to practice law in that system. This is to be distinguished from membership in a bar association. In the United States, some states require membership in the state bar association for all attorneys, while others do not.

Although bar associations historically existed as unincorporated voluntary associations, nearly all bar associations have since been organized (or reorganized) as corporations. Furthermore, membership in some of them (see the next section below) is no longer voluntary, which is why some of them have omitted the word “association” and merely call themselves the “state bar” to indicate that they are the incorporated body that constitutes the entire admitted legal profession of a state.

Below is a list of Bar Associations and State Bar Associations.

Associations Website
American Bar Association (ABA) www.abanet.org
American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) www.abiworld.org
ACA International (ACA) www.acainternational.org
Commercial Law League of America (CLLA) www.clla.org
Debt Connection Symposium (DCS) www.debtconnectionsymposium.com
International Association of Commerical Collectors, Inc. (IACC) www.commercialcollector.com
Lease Enforcement Attorney Network (LEAN) www.leasecollect.org
National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) www.subrogation.org
National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA) www.creditorsbar.org
Receivables Management Association (RMA) www.rmassociation.org
Turnaround Management Association (TMA) www.turnaround.org
State Bar Associations Website
AL State Bar Association www.alabar.org
AK State Bar Association www.alaskabar.org
State Bar of AZ www.azbar.org
AR Bar Association www.arkbar.com
State Bar of CA www.calbar.org
CO Bar Association www.cobar.org
CT Bar Association www.ctbar.org
DE State Bar Association www.dsba.org
DC Bar Association www.dcbar.org
FL Bar www.floridabar.org
GA State Bar www.gabar.org
HI State Bar Association www.hsba.org
ID State Bar http://isb.idaho.gov
IL State Bar Association www.isba.org
IN State Bar www.inbar.org
IA State Bar Association www.iowabar.org
KS Bar Association www.ksbar.org
KY State Bar www.kybar.org
LA State Bar Association www.lsba.org
ME State Bar Association www.mainebar.org
MD State Bar Association www.msba.org
MA Bar Association www.massbar.org
State Bar of MI www.michbar.org
MN State Bar Association www.mnbar.org
MS Bar www.msbar.org
MO Bar www.mobar.org
State Bar of MT www.montanabar.org
NE State Bar Association www.nebar.com
State Bar of NV www.nvbar.org
NH Bar Association www.nhbar.org
NJ State Bar Association www.njsba.com
State Bar of NM www.nmbar.org
NY State Bar Association www.nysba.org
NC Bar Association www.ncbar.org
State Bar Association of ND www.sband.org
OH State Bar Association www.ohiobar.org
OK Bar Association www.okbar.org
OR State Bar www.osbar.org
PA Bar Association www.pabar.org
RI State Bar www.ribar.com
State Bar of SC www.scbar.org
State Bar of SD www.sdbar.org
TN Bar Association www.tba.org
State Bar of TX www.texasbar.com
UT State Bar www.utahbar.org
VT Bar Association www.vtbar.org
VA State Bar www.vsb.org
Virgin Islands Bar Association www.vibar.org
WA State Bar Association www.wsba.org
WV State Bar www.wvbar.org
WI Bar Association www.wisbar.org
WY State Bar www.wyomingbar.org

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